The philosophy of life

At the street, at your workplace, in your school classes, when you see any good or bad event,….every thing you come across in the course of life will cause a question to come to your mind repeatedly: “ what do I want from this life?” this question will form your philosophy of your life. You are looking for the answer day and night and it doesn’t even let you sleep. You are to find an answer to this question but the more you think about it, the less you find any acceptable one. You walk around trying to ask your friends, you go to the library and look it up in books and sit at the corner of the libraries and read those books with an unquenchable thirst to find an answer to your question, that is, the true philosophy behind your life!!!You go to Mosques and Churches, you ask those people there and the answer you get is that life is prosperity.
A philosophers’ answer to your question is that the aim of life is to observe ethics and to attempt to act in accordance with its principles.
A painter says: life is beauty.
A sculptor says: life is to create.
A person in love says: life is to love and to be loved.
An evolutionist answers: life is to be liberal.
You ask “Shahriyar” at his last moments of his life and he answers: “life is to be good and benevolent.”
And you say to yourself: while there are so many reasons like these for life why should I not live?
But again you are looking for your own philosophy behind your own life and at last you find it on the lips of an innocent child, while s/he is smiling, and you promise to yourself to do something; “I won’t let such a smile disappear from the lips of innocent children because that is the reason for my life”. It will be at this moment that even your heart will beat for achieving such an end and to fulfill this promise you will endeavor lifelong, like an author with a pen in his hand , like a worker at his workplace, like a mother at home,……………. And to create such a smile you will try your best in such a way that even death can not prevent you from achieving your goal. You will even make them smile while death comes upon you and you will create your last smile at this time, an innocent smile on your own lips. Just at this moment those who are looking at you will understand the true philosophy behind your life!!!!